Finding The Light in The South of France

The Hill workshop was joined by teachers Beth Kirby & Sanda Vuckovic Pagaimo in the Beautiful Le Gard Region in the south of France..

Our home for four nights was the loveliest stone house in the beautiful rural village of Belvezet.  We explored the region together,   We visited my favorite market  and walked down cobblestone roads drenched in history, picnicked atop of a beautiful stone village and shared evening meals by candlelight while enjoying meaningful conversations.

The Violin Orphanage by Attendee Ashleigh Hobson

"The Hill Workshop in Vermont was such an incredible experience. By building on the pre existing knowledge of our DSLRs and still image composition the instructors were able to provide a seamless transition into giving our stories motion through video. Everything about the workshop was so meticulously chosen from the locations, to the food, to the timeline, it was a gorgeous and easy setting to create in. I found myself not only learning from the instructors but networking and connecting with all the other attendees as well. Of course I was over the moon with the knowledge I gained about filmmaking, but really, the highlight of the workshop for me was the food, the meals, Nadia's hospitality; every meal she thoughtfully prepared was such a treat. This isn't a classroom lecture, you are not going to take notes on how to make films that look like the instructors, The Hill Workshops are a place to nourish your creativity, to provide you with the opportunity and the time to try out equipment, and styles, to find the voice you already have, and to make it move. "

                                                                                                                                Ashleigh Hobson

Shot by Students, Dinner Film.

After the first day of instruction, as a confidence builder attendees filmed the making of that night's meal.  In the morning they were greeted with the  finished piece and it was the first time they saw their work edited and set to music.

Shot by Attendees, Film.

During the workshop, students learned to do a two camera  interview  with field sound. The class was then released to capture B-Roll based on the conversation they had just heard unfold. The above film was all captured by attendees.  Each student had their own style, light and vision- Here in this film Editor Michael Martinez creates a common thread with their footage in this beautiful curated film.